

Hey everyone... so I have a boyfriend I’ve been talking to for about a month, we’ve talked about religion but it hasn’t been like really discussed.

So I’m a Christian... I believe in God and i pray, meditate, and I have a strong faith.

But him... mmm not so much ( yikes ) he believes in a higher power but not exactly God himself. He believes God is a women and she is black. ( I didn’t try to convince him that God is a male and so and so)

I noticed he seems to get his views and his logistics based on other peoples thoughts and views of the world... and it has me concerned... I asked him if he prays and his answer was “ no, I meditate though” and i said “ oh okay”

I remember i read this post... and it said

“ if a man doesn’t pray now, he won’t pray when you’re married”

And that post stuck with me because it’s true to be honest.

But I’m really stuck and religion is such a big thing for me, and going to church, and believing the word of God.

I also forgot to add... he really sat here and questioned me what is Gods real name, and did I know that the Bible is a edit text and that theres a lot of missing pieces from the Bible. I honestly didn’t even know how to respond to that. So I didn’t even try.

What should I do with all of this...?? It really has my concerns