Spotting 10 days before period?


Hey ladies,

So I added some pictures of my cycle.

My average cycle is 34 days I got my period May 9th..

me and my husband have been more sexually active than ever lol

On Saturday June 1st (10 days before my period) I went to go pee and I had a brown stain on my underwear and when I wiped It was brown I wiped later again that day and it was brownish pinkish

I was spotting a little that night

Sunday June 2nd I was still spotting and now with blood.. not a lot.. mostly is when I wipe

I’m using the panty liners and it just has little spotting

So I see it more when I wipe

I have a little bit of cramps

I’m a little worried is my period just early this time? I been ttc for the past 4 years 😫

I googled it and it says it can be implantation bleeding.. but idk I don’t wanna get my hopes up again.

With my first pregnancy I remember I was bleeding I thought it was my period but it wasn’t. 😫🥺😩🤞🤞🤞