Feeling torn...

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a while. In high school we dated for two years and then broke up right before college and we got back together our sophomore year of college and have been dating about a year and a half. I don't know what it is lately but I've been feeling kind of meh about the whole relationship. We live about two hours apart and are both busy with work and school but we see each other about once a month. Last time he came to see me he stayed for a week and by the end of his stay I was really ready for him to go home which is not something that normally happens. Part of me wonders if I'm just in a weird place and should wait it out and another part of me feels like maybe were just in different places in life and are growing apart. I'm very serious about school and am graduating in less than a year and he still has two years left because of some classes he messed up which is also hard because only seeing him once a month gets hard especially since we can't talk all the time because our work schedules conflict. I guess I just kind of needed to vent and I have a lot of things I'm not fully happy with about the relationship but overall he is a really nice guy and he treats me well. I'm planning on having a talk with him next time we see each other which should be next week and hopefully that will hepp. But for now I'm wondering if anyone else has had feelings like this and if so what did you do about it?