Birth story! 36w2d

Liss • Mommy to Leo, born 9/24/15 and an Angel baby 02/22/2021. Rainbow baby Eli born 09/13/2022.
Well here's the story for anyone who wants it. Starting yesterday (23rd) i woke up at 2 with contractions. Got worse at 5am and were frequent. Went in to be checked and was not dilating so they watched me for hours and said i could go home if I wanted since they weren't changing my dilation. Went on steady and stronger until 8 this morning. I was on my way to work (in lots of pain but i assumed they still weren't changing me so i was attempting.) Called nurse at dr office and they said to come in. I turned around and went home and my mother in law drove me. They hooked me up to monitors to watch his heart rate and my contractions. Wasn't on it for more than 5 mins and had first contraction then and all the sudden Leo's heart rate went from 140 to 60. It went back up when contraction was over thank goodness. Nurse came back in and told me the alarm would go off if his heart rate dropped and i said it looks like it dropped a lot and she looked and said yes it did and took off with paper to show dr. Came back in with dr one minute later and Dr said go straight to the hospital now don't stop anywhere. Went to hospital and they hooked me up again and started prepping me for a c section immediately. About 40 minutes after i got here Leo was born! He did have the cord wrapped around his neck and leg so that was the cause. I was however dilated to an 8 and didn't know that! As fast as that for my life changing day ! He's doing great and so am i. Couldn't be happier! He was 6 lb 2oz and 18.5 inches :)