Vacations with babies

Destiny • Mama to two gorgeously handsome boys 🧩👨‍👩‍👦‍👦💗🐾

Alright so. I have been burnt out on whole family vacations for a couple of years now. This year I had originally told my parents that we wouldn't be attending for many reasons. Firstly they wanted to do Panama City Beach which is a 10+ hour drive from where we live. Then they wanted to schedule it 5 weeks after my due date.

Ok. Traveling with a newborn was not on my bucket list. So I told them we wouldn't be going, with timing and my healing and everything. And even though they were very upset and constantly guilt tripped me about it, ultimately they claimed that they understood.

But then my baby decided he wanted to be born a month early. And to make things even more difficult for me, it looked like my husband was going to have to travel out of state for work the same week my family was scheduled to go to their new location for vacation which was 6 hours away. My baby hasn't gotten on a good sleep schedule yet, so we have been sleeping in shifts until he does better through the night. So the timing of my husband being gone and my mother not being around to compensate for his absence, it put me in a not so fun predicament. Once my family realized it, they begged me to just join them while he's away. So after the constant nagging, I caved and agreed. Well my husband's manager found out about it and changed the schedule around so he could be with us. Which although is super cool and sweet, defeated the whole purpose of why I even said yes to going. But it meant more time together so, whatever.

So here we are. The 6 hr drive turned into a 9 hour drive, my newborn has been the fussiest he has ever been, my autistic toddler has struggled with many things overwhelming him, all the adults in our group won't quit smoking around us, they are constantly drinking and getting shitfaced, and the arguments are getting beyond annoying to deal with. And we've only been here 2 out of 8 days. I already wanna go back home. My husband and I didn't realize how much we loved our quiet little routine at home until we had to deal with loud, crowded places. Along with my family driving us nuts, traveling with a small baby should seriously be against the law. It is literally the most stressfully unnecessary experience of my life. We had so much to pack to bring for both babies. And now I keep needing to calm my overwhelmed toddler, and stay up super late with the baby only to get woken up by everyone way too early. I am already so stressed out and exhausted from this "relaxing family vacation" that I never even want to attempt it again. Ugh...... I'm just so done. Next time I am just gonna flip off anyone who dares to pressure us into traveling anywhere like this. I just don't give a fuck anymore. My sanity is so much more important at this point