Pregnant after miscarriage


I had a miscarriage on the 24th April at 6 weeks. We were devastated as we have had 2 healthy pregnancies. We decided to try again as I am 35 this year and if it’s meant to be then we would be delighted. I started charting my bbt for the first time and taking opks . It was actually amazing for me to see exactly when I ovulated as I have PCOS and 35-40 day cycles.

I got a vvvfl at 12dpo with Frer so I got a Clearblue Digital and it confirmed I am definitely pregnant at 14dpo 😁 I am beyond greatful and we feel incredibly lucky but also very nervous too. Fingers crossed this little bean is sticky because you’re so unbelievably loved already ❤️ 4+2 today 👶