This is very long so I'll try shortening it as much as I can...

My boyfriend used to live with his mum (they never really got on, the mum and her bf keeps accusing my bf of doing things he isn't, his mums bf is an alcoholic always trying to argue w my bf and just likes causes trouble)

I am 18, my boyfriend is 27. My family know about him and his age.

My boyfriend is out of work at the moment due to a broken leg...

So basically on a friday it kicked off between him and his mums bf they've both been drinking so it was just kaos. I managed to stop my bf and calm him down because his mums bf wanted to fight him and call him a pussy.

So my bf left the next day and I said he could stay at mine (my mum was kl with him staying w us too) while we go council and sort a place out.

Well the council have been taking the piss so my sisters sorting it out and we sorta getting somewhere.

Anyway ever since he's been at mine he's been a total slob!! even my mum's getting annoyed. He don't wash up after himself, he don't help tidy up, he always spills things on the floor and don't even wipe it up, he just leaves it. The other day he was looking for something in my room and he totally trashed it and didn't even tidy up after himself!! His shit that he brung from his mums is scattered across my room!!

It's just been getting me down😡😭. We've been not arguing but just getting moody with eachother you know. But I don't want to break up with him but it keeps entering my head, I don't know if that's because we've been together all day every day or because of the way he is!!☹️ I really don't know what to do. He also has a dog, he don't pick up the dog shit my mum and I have been doing it, He does it occasionally. The dog obviously can't go live in a hostal with him when he gets housed so my mum said the dog could stay here for abit but we was gonna get a puppy but now can't because of his dog being here!! (territorial reasons, the dogs might not get on,etc.. so many reasons!! if you know dogs you'll understand) but yeah idk what to do man pls give me advice and help hopefully he'll being getting housed today but it ain't 100% I just want to tidy the house and my room but can't cos of him keep being a slob.