Deadbeat father and child support


So long story short. He got another woman pregnant at the same time as me. He seen his daughter once a week until she was like 3 or 4 months and him and the other woman got together and he stopped asking for her and asking how she was so I went after him for child support. Still no talking between us. It gets proven hes the father and literally not even a week later he texts me asking to have Rhea for 2 nights. After 2 months of not even asking about her and not seeing her he wants her to come spend two nights with him and this woman who had her baby like a month ago.

I'm going to women in need today and getting a lawyer but our child support hearing is the 12th. Any advice on what I should do? I really dont wanna send her with him because hes a stranger to her. She will cry and not wanna be near them because she doesnt know them but I also know that if I dont he will fight for fu custody and make my life a living hell.. I have a bunch on him and proof he hasnt bothered with her In 2 months but I'm at a stand still on what to do... she deff will not stay the night but should I let him see her?...

UPDATE: I didnt add as much detail as I should of. He has threatened to take my daughter from him if I ever went for child support. He has claimed that both kids arent his. Now that its established that she is his, he now wants her overnight for 2 nights. Hes never wanted her that long. The longest hes had her was 6 hours and that was his agreement. He wanted her that long. Then slowly it was 5 hours then 2 hours then once a week then once every 2 weeks and then nothing at all. It's been two months since he has asked about her or seen her. He knew of all her appts and never showed up to them. We made the agreement that if he walked out at any point there would be no more chances due to not wanting her father to be in and out of her life.