I need help or advice or something 😟


So I'm sitting here watching my 5 week old sleep wondering how all of this happened. My now ex has left my only place of living because he couldn't handle the stress of being the main provider and the arguments that came with it. He got drunk Saturday night like really drunk and just went off and slammed me on the wall and choked me and then locked our baby in the other room and said I couldn't get to her. I still have the bruises on my arms it's like they have gotten even darker since yesterday. I had a c section with my 5 week old so I don't even feel capable of working yet and I wouldn't even have child care to do that. He has left me with all of these responsibilities and these bills and took all the money that we did have when he left. My head is spinning I don't know how to handle this. And he's saying that if I don't let him come get his daughter he's taking me to court and getting her that way since it's a 50/50 state in Arizona but the place he's living is not safe all they do is drink, smoke weed and do coke and I can't let her be over there. But I have no proof I guess unless someone went over there and searched the house without warning because if they get a warning then everything will just be hidden and they'll say I'm crazy. I can't cope with this right now I feel sick from all of it.