12 more days


I’m due June 15th but was supposed to be induced this week due to high fluid levels, however my doctor decided to change her mind and said we’ll wait another week and sent me for yet another ultrasound next week ( this will be my 8th? I think) all while telling me it’s extremely dangerous for my water to break on its own due to the cord coming out first which can compromise the health of my baby so that scared the crap out of me.

Then she measures my fundal height, turns around to write it down starts talking about something else, forgets the measurement, remeasures me and forgets again.

She then asks how I’ve been feeling, and if I’ve felt any Braxton Hicks or anything of the sort, I start trying to tell her about the issues I’ve been having and that things aren’t going so great and she brushes me off and starts talking about something else again.

Also I asked about a sweep and a cervix check and she refused me saying it’s too early for that. 🤦‍♀️

I thought about switching OB’s but unfortunately where I live you need a referral and some other things before a doctor will accept you, and there aren’t too many obs where I live, and I’m almost done anyways but I’m so stressed out, this is my first pregnancy, and I’m so done with it, it’s been rough and just plain awful and I feel like I’m getting no where with this doctor. Super stressed and I’m completely ready to get this baby out of me but my exercise ball isn’t working and I don’t know what else to do.

Thanks for listening to my rant if you made it this far.