Is it safe to have sex with just a male condom for protection?

I’ll have to wait until college to make sure my mom won’t find out if I get the pill or not. Is just a condom safe for now?

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if you’re just using a condom then just take plan b afterwards just in case the condom fails


Posted at
If you feel like it isn’t safe my mom told me a long time ago when she was a teenager she would use condoms and then get spermicide and use it after or something like that. Look into different birth control methods you can use at the same time as others though ( like you can’t use a male and female condom obviously but see if there’s other methods you can use with male condoms)


Posted at
Condoms are decent, as long as they’re used appropriately. But they have a chance of breaking, and they’re not always used 100% correctly. You can go to planned parenthood to get birth control discreetly. My sister did that in high school and my parents were none the wiser.