Please Help!


Since the 2nd trimester I’ve had some dry skin on my face. Well, now it’s in overdrive. My OB says it’s rocesea but, I feel like it’s caused by an allergic reaction or dehydration.

We went from where we live in MT down to where I grew up in AZ and by the time we got back, my face was clear. I also had a night in the hospital hooked up to fluids that makes me think that the hydration probably helped.

Now, it’s back and worse than before. I’ve been putting medication on it that I was prescribed but, it doesn’t seem to be helping. As you can tell in the photos below, my cheeks are also swelling.

I’ve also got these tiny bumps on the back of my hands that you can’t hardly see, but are ridiculously itchy!

Any advice? I’m miserable! 🥺