
Life is hard when you’re 22 got a 1 yr old and just left the baby daddy for drinking and throwing shade on your face.

Back to your parents and instead of helping you they’re just taking advantage of you on what’re they can get out of you. Money. Money is all they want . It sucks feeing unwanted by the man you though he loved you very much and the people you least expect the feel it from. Only to know you got yourself and your baby.

Also, when your parents are drowning you on their debts when they had use your credit cards and aren’t paying them anymore . (Yes it’s also my fault) Throwing every little thing at your face for leaving the father of your baby and returning back to them and need to pay rent and also baby sitting plus the credits they maxed out. Having sisters who only speak to you whenever they need a favor as well can only get a little worse .

I want to move away from all this but it’s hard knowing I don’t have family elsewhere.