Still trying to figure out who my lo looks like


So my first born, I had with someone else so he looks a lot like his biological father and obviously different from his brothers... dark brown hair, close to black, nice caramel skin and beautiful brown eyes. My second and third are fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. What’s amazing is, my 10 month old to me looks more like my first son when he was a baby. A lot of people say my baby looks so much like my second son who is his full brother. I honestly don’t see it. There are times I find a picture that reminds me of my second son.

This is a pic I found, the top is my second son and the bottom is my 10 month old. They look like twins in these pictures!

I did a collage of me with my two kids with similar pictures with my 10 month old.

The first one is with my second son

And here’s another with my first son

Here is a baby picture of my first son that reminds me of my lo when he was a newborn

Here’s a newborn of my lo

Here is a picture of me and my husband, the father of my second and 3rd.

here are my older two boys

What does everyone think?