Bicornuate Uterus

Myranda • 25 SAHM. 3year old daughter and angel baby and baby boy on the way.
I was informed that I have a bicornuate uterus. It puts me at high risk for preterm labor, rupturing of membranes and the baby being in a breech position. I am 5 foot tall and only weigh 100 lbs, so the baby has a smaller space to grow in anyways. The baby implanted in the right section of my uterus and has grown exactly on schedule from the day of my last period. The doctor said that all looks well now, but as the baby grows, it might get too cramped inside of me. I haven't necessarily been stressing myself out about this, because I believe what is going to happen, will happen, no matter how I feel about it. I am just wondering if anyone is going through this or has gone through this? What was your experience? I am 18 weeks and it's weighing on me that the baby is getting bigger and I don't want it's time to be limited within the safety of my womb. Luckily, because of this I have been feeling the baby move from 16 week.