Does this ever happen to you?


Last month I had what the dr said was my period but I only spotted lightly for 2 days and stopped. This has. Ever happened. I have always had regular periods.

Kind of a long story, but, I had a very early miscarriage last year at the end of March and then got the depo shot right after so that I wouldn't accidentally get pregnant again before my wedding in July I did not get a second depo shot and it had really messed up periods for months after that. I bled for like 2 months straight and then didn't have a period for 4 months. My doctor put me on 14 days of progesterone to start my cycle back up and on the 14th day it started. He told me I could start trying to conceive again after 3 regular periods which I had January February March. We started trying after my March period and I had another regular period in April. When it was time for my May period, I had very bad cramps and very light spotting for about 2 days, (pretty much only when I wiped, I think I wore 1 pad and barely anything went on it). I went to the dr because I kept getting negative tests and I didnt understand why my period had not come. My regular dr was not available but the one I went to said she thinks the spotting was my period and I could test for ovulation and try again. Well I was already on what would be my 13th day or so of my new cycle if that were my period so I tested and had ovulation like the next day so we barely got to I'm estimating my period to come tomorrow or Thursday and took a test 2 days ago and it was negative. I started brown spotting last night and have been all day which no period. My boobs have hurt for 3 days (which they only ever have when I was pregnant) and I will test again tomorrow but if it is negative then why am I not getting my period back?? Am I still messed up from the depo even after 4 regular periods??? Has this ever happened to anyone???

I know 3 months of trying is like nothing but I'm so confused on how to track anything now...