LONG STORY : So it’s my turn to share my quick birth story

LONG STORY : So it’s my turn to share my quick birth story.  The night before the 29th of May I had a bad night as in contractions. The next morning like 10 I started to time them they were strong and I was feeling pressure I figure it was baby because he was SUPER low as in 0 station 4cm and 60 percent effaced. This is my fourth baby. I continued to track them they were getting closer and closer so I decided to call my midwife and see what she wanted me to do her nurse said go get seen so I did I live 25/30 minutes away from the hospital. I went in they checked me no changed at all they kept me to see if I could change since my contractions were like a minute apart. I got checked again nothing. The hospital nurses talked to me since I was very concerned about having baby at home since I live so far away they kept me for another hour still no change and contractions were going away so I went home and about hour later I lost the rest of my mucus plug then bam my contractions came between 4-6 min so messaged my babysitter and told her to come back. I called my midwife and actually talked to her told her I can’t relax I need something to happen. She said to come in I said okay then BAM 30 mins later (babysitter running late ) I felt the burning sensation I called back and was like umm is this normal she said sounds like it is time. Then after that phone call I started to get the urge to push there was no more contractions my ride finally got there my ride was in my neighbors spot and my friend/ride was tell them it’s time and they said they take my kids till my sitter got there. The ride was horrible. My friend called. 911 to have them call the hospital to be ready. I get there get to a room and BAM I’m a 9 30 mins he was here.