My doctor strip (sweep) membranes today

Okey I'm 38+6 weeks today and I went to my doctor appointment and she look at me with her eyes really open "this is your first baby?" And I respond her "yes" and then she asked me "you don't feel any contraction or anything" and I really don't feel anything and she told well girl you are more than ready to go is strange that you don't have contractions, so she strip The membrane so I can start with the contractions, really if I had any contraction I didn't feel it, she also strip my membranes because I have a little of anemic and this days I just feel not okay, I have a lot of nausea, sometimes I get dizzy I sleep all day because I am very weak, so she prefere to strip the membranes so this can fast the things she don't want any complication, she say that I'm more than ready that she don't have doubts that this baby is going to come today, I'm really nervous now so tell me your history with strip membranes I want to know what happen to other moms (by the way that hurts a lot 😖)