TWW- Light cramps in the morning only?


So this is day 3 now of having light cramps in the morning. I have a desk job, so I'm not moving around all that much in the mornings.

I'm in my tww, supposed to have ovulated the 30th but I think I did the 26th or 27th based on CM. I was planning on testing the 7th or maybe the 10th to give it some more time. Just curious what's up with the cramping or if it might mean anything.

A little back ground/why I'm anxious. I had a MC Feb 14th, 6 weeks later had AF and then it took another 6 weeks to have my next AF. So I'm feeling out of tune and unsure with my body. Given the length of my last cycle I worry we're going to miss our chance or maybe I'm not ovulating or something.