STMs with toddlers - nursery plans?


What’s everyone’s plans for a nursery for those who already have a toddler at home? My daughter will be 2.5 when her little sister arrives and she’s still sleeping in her crib. She’s small for her age and hasn’t yet tried to climb out so we’ve kept her in the crib. We have a 3 bedroom house so I bought a used crib for #2 to put in our guest room with the already existing queen bed that I’d like to keep around for guests. #2 will be sleeping in a bassinet in our room for the first few months so I know I have time, but I’m still starting to panic that I haven’t locked in an exact plan yet. My idea was to move my 2.5 year old to the guest room and either just transition her straight to the queen bed out of her crib, or the used crib that we got came with the toddler bed conversion kit, so put her in that. I don’t know when to make the transition, I don’t want to do it too close to the birth of #2 because she’ll have enough changes going on, my husband does think she’s ready now. And then I haven’t even thought about decorating the guest room yet 😩