I’ve been there. To the first time mamas.


I’ve been there! So excited for your precious newborn! You feel like the pregnancy has crawled by. You just want your babies in your arms and to experience motherhood.

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts already asking on how to induce labor, or get labor going. I’ve been there. I induced myself with castor oil around 38 weeks(She was fine). But I just want to warn you that the later you can keep them in there and the longer you can wait the better for you and baby in the long run.

My first had colic extremely bad, she didn’t know how to nurse very well because she was two weeks early and she had incredibly bad milk allergy. I to this day think if I wouldn’t have pushed myself to go into labor she would have had less issues. It takes time for babies to develop everything they develop. Mental and physical development.

I understand if you are at risk and they are inducing you, that’s not your fault. The pros outweigh the cons. But if you’re just being impatient, it will benefit you and your baby to just be miserable that extra week. Who knows what your baby is working on developing.

So take or leave my advice, but I regret inducing myself. But the longer you can keep them in there, the longer they can practice suck for nursing, or other things. Just because they won’t have to have a NICU stay at 37-38 weeks doesn’t mean they aren’t going to have problems from not being able to get that last bit of development. My second was induced at 39 weeks(I am on blood thinner due to the risk of blood clots during pregnancy) and just that extra week she was a better nurser. Still had a little colic and milk allergy, but not as bad. That extra week helped her so much. Plus she was extra chunky and happy.

But good luck mamas! Just thought I’d share what I wish I knew.