Did anyone have an easy recovery?

I'll stay anon because I honestly don't want to seem like I'm bragging, just looking for some advice.

I didn't have an easy birth, went from 4cm to 10cm in about an hour. Completely natural vaginal birth and received a 2nd degree tear, also had a partially ruptured placenta.

I'm now only on my 2nd day PP and it seems like I feel too good? I did get a numbing agent when the doctor sewed me up but besides that I haven't had anything and the nurses keep asking me how the pain is, but there isn't any. I haven't used the dermoplast, just the pads and my bleeding is down to basically a light period, my belly is almost back to it's original size.

I feel like I'm just waiting for it all to hit me all of a sudden, and find it odd because of all the stories I've heard from other moms about recovering.

Has anyone else had a surprisingly easy recovery?