Am I thinking too much??

So I’ve been with my boyfriend for two years now, and we’re basically best friends. We do everything together. Recently he’s not been as touchy or intimate with me. I know for a fact that he isn’t doing anything behind my back, I trust him completely. But I don’t know what’s changing. I feel like he gets frustrated with me more often. I asked if anything was wrong with our relationship and he just said that he’s used to me being here since we’re together all the time. Not in a rude way, but that was his answer. He wasn’t mean about it, but it sort of hurt my feelings. Should I be concerned or should I just drop it? Sometimes I feel like I overthink too much. This is the man I 100% want to marry, and I just want to make sure that nothing goes wrong. Is there any advice you guys can give me? I feel like I annoy him. Thanks!