No heartbeat

Nicola • I`m 45 years old and I have a great husband. I have 3 girls 8yrs, nearly 6yrs and a 4year old. I’m pregnant with a boy 😁😁😁😁

I went for my ultrasound yesterday. I told the technician I was 11 weeks and 4 days. She was very vague and said she could say which I knew they never do. She only said the baby was measuring 9 weeks not 11. I then received a call from my doctor later that day saying he would like to see me (alarm bells ringing). He told me they couldn’t detect a heartbeat and he want me to get bloodwork done straight away to check my hcg levels. Today I had the bloodwork done and just before I went in I went to the bathroom I had started to bleed. My bloodwork came back and sure enough levels had gone down. My little one had stopped growing at 9 weeks. So gutted thought this one was going to stay. The thing that hurts the most is when people say you’ve got 3 beautiful girls, yes I have and I love them. Had to tell my eldest as she knew I was pregnant, she was upset at first but knew her mummy was ok.