So many questions


Alright, so I just got diagnosed today at 29 weeks. I had previously taken the 3 hr glucose test early on in my pregnancy due to high BMI and passed, but unfortunately failed this time. I'm hoping to keep things diet controlled, but now I have all sorts of questions that I hadn't thought of while I was with the nurse earlier today and was hoping you ladies might be able to answer a few.

How many of you had to be induced early due to GD or had to have a c-section?

What kind of affects did GD have on your baby after birth?

Did you have to stay on the diet postpartum and continue testing, for how long?

How many of you ended up with a type 2 diagnosis postpartum?

I'm sure I'll have more questions after I see a nutritionist and by the time I have my regular appointment in two weeks, but these are the most pressing ones that I've thought of so far.