Please help.


My daughter will be 2 in September. I’m losing my mind seriously. I’m pregnant with baby #2, and she has yet to sleep through the night. We’ve co slept with her since she was born and we absolutely love it. However, we only have a queen sized bed and I plan on breastfeeding this next baby, which will make it near impossible to have two babies in our bed. We have her room set up with all her toys and her toddler bed. She will lay down in her bed at night if I rock her to sleep first or lay with her if she doesn’t want to rock. Once shes finally asleep it lasts 2-4 hours before she’s awake screaming and wanting to come to our bed. I’m literally at a loss. Has anyone tried cry it out to get them to learn to go back to sleep when they wake up? My doctor recommended it but idk where to begin or how long it will take.