Severe cramps!!!

Hi ladies. I need help 😭 so I’m 19 years old. In the past, I’ve had problems with ovarian cysts, but they went away after a few years of taking birth control. I am now on the IUD, and I am sexually active, although I haven’t had sex since late April. I have had a few pregnancy scares 😬 nowadays, when I turn a certain way, I get a bad cramp in my lower stomach. If I turn to the left, I get a sharp pain in my right ovary area, and vice versa. But right now I am experiencing something so very strange. I am cramping in my whole pelvic area, from the front to the back and the lower part of my stomach. It’s so severe, I can barely move. I thought maybe it was gas so I went to the bathroom. But it hurts so badly I can’t even urinate. I just sat there on the toilet in pain. I finally got up and it eased up a little. There was no bleeding or discharge or anything. Can someone please help me out? I’m in so much pain, and I have no idea why this is happening