Support? Listening ear?


So as I lay in bed awaiting aunt flow tomorrow with no signs of a possible baby I sit and wonder is it me? Is my long years of high dose birth control made me sterile? My years of prevention now preventing me? I feel like I'm starting to send myself into a panic attack and a hardcore crying session before bed! I vent to my husband and all he says is itll buff out it takes a while some times. Like that isnt helping really even though I know it's true. I just dont know what to do anymore I am trying to not stress, I'm taking my vitamins, I'm using opk strips. I've even had blood work done to make sure my diabetes is under control enough. But then I wonder in the back of my head there are people out there that get pregnant on accident and never have that want for a baby and try everything and to take pregnancy tests and they be negative. I just dont get it. Well I guess if anyone reads this say a prayer for me... for my faith and baby dust.