Not a miraculous story. Just wanted to share.

A lot of people feel like you cannot be loved into loving yourself. I used to be one of those people actually a couple days ago. I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant. The father of my child is VERY active in my life as well as the pregnancy. A couple days ago I was sitting and just thinking. I was thinking about the relationship we had & all the good as well as all the bad & if things would ever get back to better (I want it to, but that’s besides the point.) On Instagram, the same day, I seen a post that said something pertaining to the importance of each party in a family. It was particularly stating that the husband is the most important, child is second and wife is third. It baffled me. Me, being the person I am, spoke against it and it was crazy to me how many people disagreed. I feel as though child is most important (they need most attention , <a href="">nurture</a> and food) wife is second (women are made naturally more delicate than men) and men last because... well a full grown man, come on now😂. You can’t tell me he can go outside and lift a truck but can’t make his own plate a food😂 but then I realized ... the father of my child made me think and feel that way. I never noticed it because it was never discussed. It was by the way he treated me. He treated me so well to the point where I believed (and still do believe) that that is the only way a woman should be treated. 100% love. He had enough love for me and confidence within himself to put me before him and be proud and happy about it... something I’ve never gotten from anyone else. He ENJOYS making me feel like a Queen & because I love him, I make him feel like a King, which doesn’t require much because he knows. He knows how I am and he knows how I express my love. It feels good to have someone know everything about you from the clothes you like to wear all the way down to how you wiggle your toes when you’re happy (I didn’t even notice i did it until he pointed it out) I wake up every day feeling like the most beautiful woman on earth because of him. I don’t feel 100% loved by anyone but him & it’s crazy because all of it was instilled within me through his actions. He is everything & our baby is so lucky to have him as a father.. AND ITS POSSIBLE TO BE LOVED INTO LOVING YOURSELF! (Btw, I’ve always had self asteem. I never thought I was just a ugly piece of trash but I also was never I am because of him lol)