Insecure about everything!!!!


So I’m 24 and weigh 211 I’ve tried everything I can think of to lose weight but nothing has worked. When I got with my fiancé I was 22 weighed 165 that was a good weight for me but I got on birth control and had to change it three times till he said no more because they were effecting me in a negative and unhealthy way.



We both have gained quite a bit of weight and everyone says it’s because we’re happy. But we both tear ourselves down while the other tries to build the other up.

I love this man to death and it hurts my heart to see him feel so uncomfortable in his skin so I know he’s gotta feel the same way when I do it to myself.

Here’s pictures of just me


The girl next to me is about what I looked like before I met my fiancé


What do I do how do I get back to 165 or how do I just get comfortable in my own skin