Formula HELP


My almost 3 mo old has been on formula for about 2 mo now we breastfed and he had a lot of trouble with reflux and gas and just tummy trouble (no matter what i ate) so we switched to formula we are on the 4th one and it seems to help most of the time but when the reflux hits its really bad he just spits up soo much and screams and wiggles for hrs (at night) so niether me or him get any sleep. Anybody have a formula suggestion or any suggestion? We have done gerber gentle, that was really bad. gerber soothe it helped alot but constipated and then the reflux came back out of the nose and everything after a few weeks. Enfamil gentlease neuropro but more screaming and spit up. So now we are on enfamil a.r. for about a month now but like i mentuoned before we still have a problem. Please help