🚙 crash, broken friendship 👭


Yesterday a friend crash my car from the behind. The light was yellow, I started slowing, at red I stopped. She was driving so fast and looking at her cellphone she hit me. I ended up I the middle o the street, so I drive a little and she hit me again. All her airbags exploded from how fast she was going. The thing is that

(I am fine)

But when I was a child I had a car accident. I have 14 screws and two titanium rods in the back, an splenectomy and my left arm is missing of 60% of movement. So I would of thought that, as she was the one that hit me

1- she would of ask me if I was fine if anything hurt

2- she would of apologize, I would of understood she was scared, same as me

But she was screaming like crazy pulling her hair and crawling on the floor. I thought she was hurt and run to see what happed

SHE WAS SCREAMING. “My mom is gonna ground me, I won’t go out anymore, she won’t let me go to Peru (she was going to travel for Peru for vacation)” and she kept looking all the car

No moment she turn to help me. A girl in the street help me cause I was so dizzy and couldn’t move my arm.

When the policy came while he was talking to us and our moms she was texting on the phone. Later on I saw my phone. She had blocked me and left all the chat group we shared. With that I just saw how immature she is.

She hasn’t even one call today to see if I’m ok, or if I had to go to the hospital.