Terrified of Possible C-Section

For the last few months, everything has been going perfectly fine for me to be able to deliver vaginally. However, I’m now freaking out because I may have a possible herpes outbreak.

I had my first outbreak during my 2nd trimester, was put on meds and it went away. My OB recently started me back on the meds to try and prevent any possible outbreaks close to labor.

However, yesterday I noticed a bump similar to my outbreak, fiancé even says it looks similar. Only odd thing is that it is not where the first one was and I thought it was supposed to show up in the same place?

Anyway, I called in just in case I shouldn’t wait until Monday. Unfortunately, not only is my OB out of town, my regular nurse has the day off so now I’m awkwardly talking about my butt with a nurse I don’t know😂

I’m trying really hard to not panic, but the thought of having to have a c-section is scaring me. It’s all I can think about. I have anxiety about anything medical and so saying yes to an epidural was a big step. Hell, coming to terms with having a baby took months.

Any advice to help me mentally prepare in case I need a c-section?

Please, no scary stories!