My TWW DPO Symptoms ❤️

❤️ 1 DPO Thoughts-

I’m pretty sure I O’d early after doing a cervical check today, completely dry!

Im calling it, today is 1 dpo. I had a chemical last September and would have due this month, it would be crazy to get pregnant on a loss due date. Still, I feel it is unlikely that this is going to happen; not very optimistic 😕

❤️ 2 DPO -

Nothing.. absolutely nothing!

❤️ 3 DPO -

I had some cramping today and needed pancakes like never before lol. I know none of this is a pregnancy symptom, and for obvious reasons. I believe it’s just the normal mid cycle hormone shift.

❤️ 4 DPO -

Oh today has been the worst! TMI, I had awful diarrhea today 😓 but am feeling better now and am only slightly cramping now. ...I think it was the coffee. Anyway in other news, I normally have breast pain by now and this cycle.. nothing. Though this did happen before a few months ago resulting in yet another AF. 🤷🏼‍♀️ However, unlike any other cycle, (TMI), I’m completely dry as a bone down there. Absolutely no cm. So that’s something new but I still cannot say it’s a early symptom as I’m only 4 dpo.

❤️ 5 DPO -

Normally my post O breast pain starts the day after O and gets gradually worse up to af. I’m 5 DPO today and woke up with pretty sore breasts. My left breast much worse than my right. This pain was not gradual at all! It just *BAM*, hit me! Lol. I’m also experiencing slight cramps and a headache this morning as well 😕 I just wanna go back to bed. I forgot to mention that I’m tracking my resting heart rate.. but that’s another topic with too much detail to be getting into here. All I’ll say is if your RHR goes up and stays up, there is a good chance of pregnancy.. shortly put. Anyway, last night I had a dream about taking a weird looking pregnancy test. It had a small digital screen that displayed the time and date?!? Lol the test area was one big square that turned blue if pregnant, stayed white if not. I was spilling pee everywhere struggling with the test lol. Then.. The test area turned completely blue. Pregnant! Lol ... yeah exactly.. in my dreams!