Any day now...


I was really really hoping babe would stay put until 40 weeks - I’m miserably pregnant, but my midwife is out of town til the 16th. We’re not due til 6/21, but have been having mild fairly regular contractions (45 seconds 8-10 mins apart) for 36 hours and enough bleeding that I was sent to L&D yesterday afternoon (I’m gbs + so they’re being cautious).

Baby killed the NST, my waters are still intact, and bleeding was my very bloody show as expected. Dr. laughed and said there’s no way I’m making it to my due date, but maaaaaybe to 39 weeks (today makes 38 weeks). Contractions have been stronger but less regular all night and this morning.

As of 18 hours ago, we’re officially in early labor, 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. I’m excited, disappointed, calm and freaking the eff out all at once!