Tomorrow 🤞

✨ Nicola • Twenty Four 🌙 Girl Gamer 🎮 Mummy of ONE. Everything in life happens for a reason.

Tomorrow I find out if the little bean inside me has a heartbeat and I’m so, so incredibly nervous. I’ve completely convinced myself that it won’t but the truth is, you just don’t know; I’ve prepared myself for the worst tbh.

I miscarried in January — pregnancy stopped progressing at 5 weeks & I naturally passed everything at 7w and 6d.

This pregnancy has been ENTIRELY different. I had implantation bleeding, a bit of spotting at 5w & 4d, cramping EVERY week & other on/off symptoms.

With my first, I had tiredness and cramping up until the day I turned 5 weeks. Then... everything stopped. Symptoms faded.

Please, please, please have a heartbeat, little guy/girl — you’re already our little miracle 🤞