Failed vbac feeling down 😭😭


It has been 2 weeks since giving birth via csection and everything has bern fine until tonight. I saw a commercial woman giving birth than it hit me on why I couldn’t achieve that. I’m 24 years old and have 18 month old which was also via C-section. I’m healthy and young and every obgyn told me my body can give birth natural and yet I couldn’t achieve it with both babies. I know whatever is meant to be will be but I really struggled with my first C-section and didn’t want another one unless it was emergency. First C-section it was due to failure to progress and second C-section same thing, I really did what I could to have vbac, I went to chiropractor, acupuncture, hired doula, ate healthy, walked everyday, drank stupid red raspberry tea (3rd trimester), ate dates 😩😩😩I’m so angry and I know I can’t change what happened but I hate this😭😡😡😡. I really wanted big family and now this affects our chance. My husband is supportive of whatever god gives us but I just don’t know how to deal with this. I just wanted to vent sorry ladies but I don’t know who to share this with, my poor husband can’t relate to me, he’s just thankful I’m safe and baby is safe. I’m very grateful to god as well but I wish I gave birth vaginally like the rest of women 😭😭😭