Anyone with an opinion or similar experience?

6 days before my period I experienced bright red bleeding for maybe 5 minutes, not even enough to need a tampon, that then turned to very light pink for a few minutes, and it was gone. Haven’t bled since. The next day I had brown mucous like discharge, really weird/gross looking. Haven’t experienced that again either.

Now three days before my period is due, my nipples are extremely sensitive and tingly to even the slightest brush of my shirt as I’m laying down.

Are these all normal period symptoms I’m experiencing for the first time or should I consider taking a test?

My hubby and I do have unprotected sex using the withdrawal method because we have an “of it happens, it happens” attitude towards a baby, but we are not actively trying by any means (<a href="">tracking ovulation</a>, having sex 24/7, etc).

Thank you for your help!