Cramps when nursing 1 year old?


My daughter turns one next week and for the past couple days I’ve had cramps when nursing her. Not every nursing session, but it’s happened 3-4 times over the past couple days. At first I didn’t put it together and thought it was gas pains, but tonight when I nursed her (she still nurses 1-2 times a night, I haven’t night weaned as she’s dropped on her weight curve and also not sure how to go about it), I had intense rhythmic cramps/contractions that I had to breathe through and made me nauseous.

I haven’t had my cycle return yet but went for acupuncture last week and did get a positive ovulation test earlier this week. Could that be why nursing is causing cramping now when it never has before? We’d like to start trying for number two and if nursing is going to cause any issues in conceiving/maintaining a pregnancy, since we’ve almost reached our one year goal, I will start weaning. My daughter doesn’t really take bottles and isn’t a huge solids eater, so I’ve been avoiding weaning because I know it’s going to be a huge struggle.

Wondering if anyone has experienced cramps while breastfeeding (NOT immediately after birth) and if it caused any issues with a second pregnancy? And even if not, how did you cope with the pain? If what I experienced tonight becomes a regular thing, I may abruptly wean her, which is going to be hell for both of us.

Thanks in advance!