Baby Parker came in fast and furious at 38 weeks and 1 day

Baby Parker came in fast and furious at 38 weeks and 1 day! My water broke in true cinematic fashion around 9am while I was lying in bed. I never really started labor and ended up being induced that evening around 8pm. The induction went super fast, and I ended up delivering at 12:51am with only 15 minutes of pushing! I really had my heart set on a low intervention/no epidural birth and I got about as close to that as possible despite the pitocin. Baby is happy and healthy, although her cord was wrapped around her neck twice and her heart rate was dropping during pushing. 1 episiotomy later and little Parker Mae came screaming into this world. She is so loved and my heart feels so full! Dad is so great with her and has been so supportive and all that I could ask for!