Dear Future Child,

Welcome to the world angel. You are in for a long but amazing ride, with two parents who love you to extents you will never understand. I want you to know on your very first day of school I want to hear all about it. I want you to feel comfortable with me and I want you to crawl into my bed with me whenever you need it. I want to know all of your wishes and hopes and dreams. I want you to try your very hardest in school. I want you to show love to every person you can, because kindness is so important. I want you to know that you are beautiful inside and out, and that mommy and daddy love you very much. You are a beautiful addition to our now new family, and everyday you were in my womb I wondered what you Were gonna look like. As far as I knew you were amazing. If you like boys or girls or maybe both, your mom and dad are Just fine with that. If you feel that you aren’t a boy or a girl anymore and you’ve known that before your parents, tell me. I’m going to be here for you no matter the circumstance or gender you choose to be. Because, you are magical. And your dad and I love your so very much.