Is this normal!? I’m worried!


So, we’re currently ttc our second child so I’m slightly concerned about my most

Recent period....

basically I came on my period on the 28th... normal period for 5-6 days... then I got some spotting for about 3 days which is unusual for me... then 2 days of just slightly brown when I wipe after going to the loo... then last night I had an orgasm (sorry tmi) and this morning I had some bright red blood.... had sex with hubby this morning, and it was uncomfortable, and a bit painful.... then when I was at work today I felt wet all of a sudden... and went to the loo and it was blood... bright red, and some very dark almost black and a clot about the size of a 5p I’m slightly

Spotting now still, and it’s day 12. We’re desperate for another baby after a devastating loss in December and the the previous August....

Is this something I should be going to the doctors about?

That’s Lyon for reading XX