Prayers!!! SUPER low hCG level.

Mindi (Melinda) • After 15 losses, this is pregnancy 16! Sweet 16💖 Due in September with my miracle 🌈
AF is due 9/26 and on the 22nd I got a very faint➕on a HPT. I tested everyday since and haven't gotten any darker lines. On the 14th I had my blood draw and my level was only 21. I feel like it's over before it starts. I've had 14 pregnancy losses and after 13 they thought they fixed all but the genetic & chromosomal problems. 
 I have a lot going against me! I have a chromosomal balanced translocation which a fertilized egg has a 50/50 chance of ending up with an unbalanced translocation, (unbalanced would mean it was missing genetic information, balanced means it has all the genetic information), which would cause miscarriage (it would be incompatible with life because there would be too much genetic information missing), and I have a genetic connective tissue disorder which could make me miscarry, and I have low progesterone (fixed with medicine). 
I used to have a layer of connective tissue coating the inside of my uterus which acted like Teflon, so nothing could implant. I had a hysteroscopy and that connective tissue was cut away to make a normal lining again. Since that procedure I have had one miscarriage (wasn't given progesterone) and been pregnant again now.
I have a theory that my super early pregnancy losses (around 4 to 5 weeks) are due to the unlucky draw of an unbalanced translocation and when they are later that were due to the low progesterone/or my teflon uterus. 
I can't imagine my life without children, I really want to have a baby, it's time and what a blessing it would be.
I know there's fostering and adoption and surrogacy but we cannot afford to adopt a newborn, fostering to adopt is not a program they have where I live, and surrogacy is $50,000 or more. And I want so badly to experience all the pregnancy, labor, and birth, the amazing miracle of life and parenthood. PLEASE pray for me during this time, please pray that my little bean is sticky and just getting a slow start.