Can’t take the lack of sleep much longer 😥

My Little boy has always been a bad sleeper. He’s probably slept through 3 times since been born and the rest of the time it’s been usually between 2-5 get ups per night. We seem to be in a constant regression or growth spurt with no respite in between. This weeks took a sudden turn for the worse (even more than normal) and already tonight he’s been awake 11:15, 12:20 then 2 and we’re still awake now at 2:45. I’m back to work now as a teacher and the jobs exhausting enough as it is never mind running on 3 broken hours sleep. I’m not really sure what to do..we’ve tried sleep training, cio, feeding in the night, we have a strict bedtime routine, he sleeps in his own room, takes naps in the day and has 3 meals. I honestly do not understand why his sleep is so bad..I knew sleep deprivation would be hard but I really didn’t see 7 months of this.

I’m not sure what I’m looking for from this post really..A moan, advice, help, anyone who can relate?