Cutting off toxic parents

Bre • •Girl Mom •Expecting #2 October 2020

I have recently cut off my mom and dad, along with my brother. My parents have always been controlling, even as i became married and a mother, and I have dealt with mental, verbal, and emotional abuse from them. My little brother, I’ve dealt with verbal and emotional abuse and he loves to create drama. I’ve researched everything I can to determine if they truly are toxic people. Everything I have come across confirmed they are. Even a therapist I went to couldn’t believe I stuck around as long as I did.

Three weeks ago, I wrote an email to both mom and dad, explaining why I was cutting them out. I let them know every thing they’ve done that has hurt me or harmed me into my adulthood, told them I loved them despite everything, but that to live my best life, I can’t have them in mine or my child’s life. Expecting an apology of some sort, or something I received this.

“Bre, I do not even know how to start this. We have been so confused the last 6 months. We have stayed quiet to avoid making the situation worse and somehow it gets worse anyway. We feel like unwanted pieces of trash, yet we have done nothing to feel this way. Our hearts have been ripped out of our chests and stomped on by your words but, you expect a positive reaction out of us. I will not get into anything else over text or anything. We just wanted to tell you that even through all of the past 6 months, we still love you. You are still our little girl, our daughter, our first born. We miss you and Sunni B worse than you will ever know. Half of a year is gone that we will never get back. Time marches on and doesn't wait for anyone. We are here if you want to talk. Love you...Mom and Dad”

Once again, they play victim, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions as parents, and try to manipulate me. How he says they feel is exactly how they’ve made me feel my entire life.

This hasn’t been an easy process or an easy decision to make. But everyone else around me who has dealt with my family have tried encouraged me and tried to guide me in the right direction.

My problem here is, how do I deal with the guilt I am feeling? How do I move on with life without my immediate family. How do I handle the sadness? I shouldn’t be sad. I’m free finally! But I feel so so sad. And my husband has no idea what to do or say to me because his family is amazing and never have issues!

Advice from someone who has gone through this would be amazing.
