Please pray for US


Been married 4 years and have lost 4 babies and had 1. My thyroid was completely out of wack which is one less problem we have now since I been on Thyroid meds since September of 2018 and by Jan until now it's at a 1.43 level instead of 5.5. We had 2 chemicals one in March and now another on Friday. We lost one at 4 weeks in 2017 and buried our still born princess Adela who we lost at 17 weeks gestational in May of 2018. We are so devestated every time. My A1 C is horrible but improved since March to June by 6 points. It was a 9.1 and is now 8.6. It's suppose to be a 6 to be good. Being diabetic with horrible sugar levels will cause miscarriages too along with not taking my Thyroid meds. But I take my Thyroid faithfully daily. If you have a thyroid level above 2.5 and don't take your meds it will cause problems getting pregnant and staying pregnant. It has to be a 2.5 or less. Anyhow please pray for us faithfully as we continue to try for our rainbow baby R. Lee King or R. King