I feel like kicking him out ASAP..

Anon bc private business.

My boyfriend "moved in" with me in my basement of my moms house.

The only reason why I told him he could stay is because I thought he was getting a job and he could help with our newborn. Which he cant get a job w/o papers.

Well a week goes by and no job for him.

All he really does is change him and feed him sometimes. Obviously we take turns.

I just went back to my work (managing a pizzaria) for the first time in 9weeks! It was a 6 hour shift my first time leaving my son alone. And next week I'll be working Friday/Saturday all day..

I came home obviously tired.

I got changed and ate and I cuddled my baby for a few hours.

I came down to change, and change my son and feed him to get ready for the night.

I put him down and he started screaming, and i told my boyfriend to make him a bottle. I was in the bathroom and i kept hearing "babe, babe ,babe" and then the crying stopped a little. I was like ok good he's feeding him. WRONG

I walk out and my boyfriend has him plopped down on his lap while playing his pubg moble game.. I yelled at him and said to him he always plays (which he is he is addicted to the game. He could play it all the time and never get tired.

The only time he stops playing is when his phone needs to charge.

So I just take care of my son after that.

My son is sleeping next to me and I fell asleep..and my boyfriend well last time I saw him was next to me in bed..I woke up 3 hours later and saw him at 1AM sitting in a chair playing. Then he notices I'm awake and puts it away.

Comes into the bed and says can you warm up the pizza I'm hungry and I only had 2 pieces and I said well that's your fault and then he turned his body around and said "I'm tired I need to sleep"...wtf I've been taking care if my son 247 until he stayed and he is playing constantly that's why he is tired..its bs

Now I wish I wish he could just go back home but I need him to watch our son when I work.

I don't feel at peace when I come home..I feel like I need alone time and by that I mean he is not here at all..

I'm annoyed really to be honest. I feel awkward and we've been together for 3yrs..

Also forgot to add : he talks in a baby voice when he wants something or doesnt want to do something like it cringes me

I told him to go back home and come back when I need to work..but he ignored me and is back to sleep . Its 9am