Mother in law

Does any body else dread seeing there family in law lol. I can’t stand them. I ever since I had my baby it’s been so bad. I haven’t told my husband yet but I just overall can’t stand them . His mother comes over here and bitches at me saying I need to give him a bottle expecailly the time when my boobs are sore and latching is difficult ... also every time she holds my kid she sits here and says he looked like all her kids but nothing like me .... like shut up I grew him for 9 months and he don’t look like all your kids he looks like me and his father. She always says I baby’s hog😂😂 bitch he’s my kid you had your chance to raise all ur kids now it’s mine. And then she will say how the baby don’t like me he only likes his father... she just pisses me off and annoys me I can’t !!!