How would you handle a Toxic mother?

I've always had a strained relationship with my mother. It's gotten worse as ive gotten older. Shes never been very motherly and not available emotionally when im going through something. She always makes everything about her, with no room for anyone else to shine, have some attention, or to help solve their problems.

I didn't even want to tell her i was pregnant. But i told her and specifically asked her not to tell anyone as we had 2 MCs in the past 2 years that were brutal and lasted a total of 9 months.

We wanted to share our news later, on our own terms, when we felt more secure in the pregnancy.

When she asked what the gender was, so i asked her if she told my aunt (her sister) i was pregnant and she said yes why?

I nearly lost it, but in a respectable way i told her...

"I asked you not to tell anyone and wanted to know if i could trust you with the gender until we reveal. If i tell you and you share the news i will be beyond that fair?"

She stopped responding to my texts and hasnt answered my phone calls!

She lives in another state, has dependency issues, so i get it but I'm like so done!

This is our first and we cant do a gender reveal til August, even though we've known since May.

She responded once to tell me shes ok and that her phone was working fine...(aka: her just letting me know she was ignoring me on purpose)

How would you handle this situation?

I'd like to just cut her off. The stress is unreal, but shes all alone so the guilt might be too much too.