What’s the best way to reject a guy on Tinder after you made it seem like your interested?

I recently got Tinder because i was stuck in my college town for the summer for work and I didn’t know anyone. I was getting a little lonely and was looking for maybe hook ups or dating if it went well.

So I usually don’t feel comfortable hooking up unless I talk to the guy in person before like a food date, just to make sure I’m safe. I went on one date with a guy I have a lot in common with and I want to go on another.

The thing is, this guy went away for the weekend and I was pretty lonely and wanted someone to maybe make out with. I went on a date with a guy who was really nice, we talked for a really long time in a park and we went back to his place and had sex (he went 4 rounds in a row I was impressed).

The thing is, I’m not sure if my attraction to this guy is just physical, and I’m still curious to see how I feel about the other guy I went on a date with (we didn’t kiss after the first date).

Because I obviously don’t want to keep both guys around too long and I don’t like ghosting, what’s the best way to let one of them know I’m no longer interested. If I decided I don’t want to see the guy I hooked up with, it might be a bit harder. I’m trying to maintain a good relationship because I don’t like hurting people.

Any advice would be appreciated!